Saturday, May 30, 2009

Out of the Stamp Room for a Bit

Hello All, I had planned to have this updated by now and have a blog roll going of fabulous blogs for you all to check out. Unfortunately, due to a family emergency it will probably be till next week before I am able to do so. My brother was in an accident and is in the hospital, his leg was crushed by an armored truck. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated and I'll be back to stamping and updating this blog soon, I promise!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fruit & Toile

These are some of my favorite cards I recently created.  Most of them have to do with my favorite themes.  I love toile, if you've ever been to my house you know this.  I also love fruit and have managed to create a fruit and toile coordinated kitchen.  The strawberry card we will be making at an upcoming workshop!

Bridal Shower Card

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Busy Bee

It's been a teeny bit hectic but I have been working on some samples and will hopefully be posting pictures soon. I just placed a fun order and will have punches soon!